I couldn't resist! I made the shirt.....we call him Kippy Boo all the time and I just had to....

It was a wet but fun Halloween #2 for my baby. Don't you just LOVE boots on babies?

We got into the Halloween spirit early this year. It is so much more fun when you have a "little" in the house, even if he has no idea what is going on. The week before Halloween Kiptyn rocked a few different Halloween outfits at day care.

One day I dropped off a "Kiptyn" at day care and picked up a Tiger! ROAR! He loved looking at himself in the mirror and at the other kids with their faces painted.
I made Halloween cupcakes for a meeting that ended up being cancelled due to the Hurricane situation. My students sure loved Mrs. Welbourn the next day in dance class!

We had our little Halloween photo shoot in the family room....but he didn't quite fit inside the pumpkin like he did last year, and he also didn't want to stay still.

Naturally, Kiptyn had more than one Halloween costume this year.
Ha! I actually bought one last year (Sock Monkey) and ended up using the hat for his birthday party outfit. The second costume I just picked up for $3 in the spring at a Mom 2 Mom
sale- it was brand new and still in the package. I knew Kiptyn's little
friends who were a bit older would appreciate Buzz Lightyear so I had
to get it. By the time Halloween rolled around I wanted to do a family costume so Dave and I went as Pirates and he was our talking parrot. I ended up making his costume since I couldn't find a parrot costume that was cute enough and didn't look cheap. He ended up wearing all three to different Halloween parties anyway and it all worked out.
I didn't get a picture of the three of us dressed in our family outfits (crazy I know!), but here is Mama as a Pirate...

....and here is my little parrot!

We took him to the local toy store one night in costume. They had a special on that if you came to the store dressed up you would get a free light-up Halloween necklace. Kippy Boo was the cutest Sock Monkey in the land, and absolutely LOVED playing in the toy store...past his bedtime.

Here is our little "Buzz" for the Halloween party we hosted

A week before Halloween we had our Baby Halloween party. The kids were so cute in their costumes but it was a little harder to get them all together for a photo this year than it was last year.

On Devil's Night we went to a pumpkin toss in our neighbourhood. Some of the kids dressed up but mostly we just got little pumpkins, crated a ramp, and tossed the pumpkins down the hill on the street to try to get them to go up the ramp. It was actually hilarious! Next year we are planning on it being even bigger and better!

Our friend's daughter and our "babysitter" Olivia

See the ramp?

On Halloween day I dressed him as a parrot once again for day care

He was so excited when he got there that he didn't want to stay in the classroom to let Mama get some photos. He just wanted to go and see his friends!

A little "square mouth" actually showed up for a while

At the end of the school day, I ran out and grabbed my Bug from daycare to bring to my after school dance rehearsal. The girls adored him and he had so much fun dancing with the big kids.

Nice Grande Plie Kippers!

Halloween night it was cold and rainy so we put back on the Sock Monkey outfit and only went to three houses to Trick-Or-Treat. Bug ended up getting fishy crackers, an apple, a cookie, and a few actual Halloween treats that Mama and Daddy ended up eating. All in all we had a tired little boy the next day. So tired in fact, that he did something he never does....fell asleep at mealtime. It was precious.

Since Halloween we have been.......going out for matching shirt family breakfasts....

...lining up his growing collection of cars....

...still trying to get those shoes on all by himself....

....snuggling with cousins....

...waving at everyone and everything...

...protesting about Movember...

...and getting into the holiday spirit!

I just LOVE this time of year with the change from fall to winter. I love the coziness of Christmas and the warmth of the holiday season. We are looking forward to lots of Christmas cheer and relaxing traditions in the next few weeks!

Until next time, have a great holiday season!
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