Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Tiny Prince

Hello again world!

Is it ever BUSY!  Although I feel like we don't go out very often, the days sure do go by fast.  The first few weeks of having a baby is hard work!  He is growing like a weed now and finally got back up to his birth weight last week.  I am sure we have well surpassed it by now as he hit that 3 week growth spurt this week.  The past few nights/days he has been wanting to feed pretty much every hour or so.  It seems when we are out and busy he gives us those 3 hour magical sleeps but at night he just wants to stay awake!  Just like his Mama....only this Mama is TIRED now.  Lol. 

He sure loves his Daddy

We love looking at him and enjoying his "tiny-ness" before it goes away.  This week I have been noting his cute little features and capturing them as much as possible both on film and in my mind.

Tiny Feet

Tiny Hands

Squishy sleepy lips

Big Eyes that sometimes make us feel as though he is seeing a ghost in the house but when we turn around....nothing is there!

We have been visiting many people and having lots and lots of visitors come over to keep us company.  

Here is the first visit with Great-Grandma Bride.  She was SO happy to see the little man and we were SO happy to bring him to her!

We got his birth certificate in the mail as well as his health card already!  It was so much fun to go to the mailbox and see mail addressed to KIPTYN CAMPBELL WELBOURN!

Here is his tiny baby bracelet we had some ladies make while he was in the hospital.  It is just so cute.  A keepsake for sure!

We went to our first birthday party this week and Kiptyn even got a loot bag!  Spoiled little guy!

We have been enjoying the bath (he LOVES the warm water) and he even joined Mommy in the big tub a couple of times this week.

We have been trying out the faux-hawk as well...gotta love that head of hair.

We have been working on "tummy time".  He is so strong already!  He can lift his head and move it from one side to the other.

Although I feel a little bad posting pics of him so sad...they are SO cute!  Lol.  Look at this sad face.  Don't you just want to kiss him????

Here is Mr. Kiptyn before he gets fed......not too happy!

And here he is nice and calm with his bottle (don't be fooled....he is not bottle fed.  We are STILL working on nursing and therefore this could have been his last bottle for a while!)

Mr. Cool with his Shades!

Tiny Mister

I am trying to get on the computer as much as possible so I am sure once things get more and more "back to normal" around here I will be updating more often.  I would LOVE to read comments and hear from you out there reading this Blog.  I have no idea who reads it and who doesn't so please drop a comment every once in a while to let me know you are out there.  I am also looking into the Blogging community a bit so if you have a blog as well let me know...I would love to follow you and since this is all very new to me I have a lot to learn. 

That's all for now folks.  I am going to check on Daddy and Baby and if Baby is asleep....we best be off to bed because goodness knows we won't be in bed very long before we are up and rocking, feeding, changing, burping, soothing, walking the halls, and cuddling all night long.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Kiptyn's First Photoshoot

We took Kiptyn for his first photoshoot when he was only 7 days old.  It was 4.5 hours long but boy was it fun!  Cynthia from one12photography was AMAZING with him.  He cried, pooped, peed and cranked a little bit but she managed to get him back to sleep each time and turn him into our little model.

He looked absolutely adorable and Dave and I watched as proud parents from the back of the studio (we also managed to creep in and take a few shots ourselves of the process....).

Here he is....Mr. GQ!

My little Baby

Holding our wedding rings


Elephaunt Man

My Favourite...the Lion!

Look how tiny he is!  

This one took a little work to get but it turned out adorable!

Faux Hawk!

My little Owl

Things have been great the past week.  We are slowly getting into a routine although each day is a new and different adventure that is for sure!  One thing we have noticed recently....Kiptyn has a DIMPLE!  So cute.  It is on the same cheek as his Daddy.  When he gives us his little "gas smiles" we can see it and it just makes me smile!  

We have a doctor's appointment today once again to see if Kiptyn has gained back his birth weight yet.  He seems heavier and with all that he is eating I hope we will get some good news.  

How did I get so lucky?

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


He's HERE!


We are SO excited to announce the birth of our much awaited little prince Kiptyn!  
He arrived at 6:24pm on Wednesday, July 27th, 2011.  Weight: 8lbs, 13oz.

I have a TON of pictures so I will start with the birth story and see how far I get.  Sorry for the delay, as I catch up on the blog you will understand why we have been a little too busy to get on the computer!  

Birth Story of:  Kiptyn Campbell Welbourn 

The morning of Wednesday, July 27th was a loooong morning as I waited patiently for the time to pass getting more and more anxious about the scheduled c-section.  I had accepted the fact that he was coming early, and that having a c-section was indeed the safest way for all of us to deliver.  The morning seemed like hours as Dave and I cleaned up the house, took a couple of last pregnant pictures outside and lay on the bed to talk about how excited we were about what was going to happen in only a few short hours.   

Notice Dave's shirt....."I did that".  Yes I made him wear it to the hospital.

We headed to the hospital around 11:30am.  Of course halfway there we realized we forgot the camera.  After debating whether or not we could make it home in time we decided to let the grandparents pick it up for us on their way.  We were scheduled to go into the Operating Room for 2pm.  When we arrived with all of our bags in hand to the Mother and Birthing Unit we found out that there were quite a few emergency c-sections happening that day and that we were going to be pushed back a little bit from our 2pm start time.  As we waited in the waiting room I became more and more anxious to get the show on the road.  2pm came along and both sets of grandparents showed up surprised to find us still in the waiting room!  We chatted and talked for what seemed like FOREVER until finally around 3:30pm they took Dave and I back to a birthing room.  

I had been fasting all day and night so therefore the IV was a little difficult to get in and they had to try three or four times.  I was tired, hungry, anxious and worried about the operation at this point so being poked so many times left me a little fearful and teary.  It wasn't until 6pm that we FINALLY were able to get into the OR.  Dave wasn't allowed to come in until they had given me the spinal, the catheter, and made the first incision.  I left Dave and was rolled into the Operating Room as I wondered how I would do without him.  I was quite upset.  

The Operating Room was VERY calm.  The doctors told me exactly what was going on at all times and they were very good about keeping me informed throughout it all.  As soon as I started feeling the freezing I felt a big sense of relief and calmness take over me.  By the time Dave was finally allowed in I felt very peaceful.  Dave couldn't believe how my mood had changed from 20 minutes before.  I was now excited and looking forward to the moment we would finally meet our baby.  

It seemed very fast before the OB asked Dave how he was doing and then told him to take a look over the curtain at the birth.  Dave got to see the whole thing!  The OB pulled out little Kiptyn and held him up only for a brief moment before taking him away to get cleaned up and looked at.  I barely saw the little guy and he was gone.  Dave went with the doctor while the rest of the team continued to finish the section.  

When Dave finally returned with the baby we only had a minute or two with him before he had to be taken to the NICU.  C-section babies are often born with a lot of fluid and mucus in them and therefore he needed a little help to breathe.  As the doctors were sewing me up Dave and I still had to decide on a name!  We had it down to three names and since I really didn't get a great glimpse of the baby, Dave and I talked it over and finally came to a decision.  Kiptyn.  He looked like a Kiptyn. Since we are both teachers we found it hard to find a name that suited us both and that wasn't too common throughout the schools.  We liked the sound of it and it wasn't too strange or something that could easily be made fun of.  Campbell (his middle name) we decided on a LONG time ago.  It is Dave's middle name as well as Judy's maiden name.  If we didn't pass it down then we didn't think there was a way to keep the name in the family so that was an easy one.

After everything was finished we were taken to the recovery room where both sets of parents and our siblings were able to come and visit with us.  Unfortunately the siblings didn't see Kiptyn that night since he was in the NICU for three hours.  Our parents went out for a bite to eat and when they returned they were able to meet him!  

I made special birth favours for our little Prince!  We were so excited to finally put his name on them at the hospital!

The first night was very exciting and Dave was able to stay over with me even though we didn't get a private room until the next day.  Nobody can prepare you for motherhood.  Nobody can really tell you what it will feel like to have that little baby in your arms.  Nobody can give you an idea of how much love you will feel that first moment you set eyes on that little baby.  It was very very overwhelming and exciting.  

The first night I was taking everything in and didn't sleep a wink as I lay there and watch my baby's chest go up and down with each breath.  Dave finally clued in that as long as the baby was in front of me I wouldn't get any sleep so he took Kiptyn for a walk down the hall to a sitting room for two hours in the middle of the night so I could catch a quick nap.  When I saw him in Dave's arms, I fell in love with both of them all over again.  My family.

The next couple of days we spent in the hospital as I recovered from the c-section and Kiptyn tried to learn how to feed.  It was a struggle right from the beginning.  We had many visitors every day (which we are so thankful for), and we enjoyed learning about our new family, watching his first bath, talking about the future and just staring at him for hours.  

We were allowed to leave three days later and set off for home.  It was surreal as I sat in the back seat with the baby watching over him to be sure he was okay.  First time in a car seat, first time outside, first time riding in a car, first time entering our house that was all ready and prepped for his tiny life.  We also went for our first walk and gave him his first at-home bath this week!

The next few days were trying but so very special.  We learned very quickly about parenthood and about how much more we needed to learn.  When we saw that Kiptyn was not peeing, and that his mouth was very dry and that he did nothing but slept for hours and hours on end never to wake even for a feed we became concerned.  We ended up calling the Infantline and taking him into the Emergency Room upon their advice.  They checked him out, took some blood (poor guy!), and basically told us that he was starving and needed to get his fluids up right away.   He downed three ounces of formula from a bottle right then and there, spitting a bunch of it up afterwards, and then fell back to sleep.

The next few days we hired a lactation consultant to come to our house and help with the feeds.  It seemed Kiptyn had some troubles with feeding and therefore wasn't getting what he needed.  Carol- an angel, came to our house four times over two days and called twice in between.  She honestly saved us from giving up.  She is now in Cuba on vacation and things are slowly coming together.  It is still a struggle each feed but slowly we are making progress and the worrying is dying down.

All in all, this almost-two-week adventure has been amazing.  We have never been so in love and cannot imagine life without him now.  He is the CUTEST thing we have ever seen and most of the time when he is awake we just sit and laugh at him with all of his funny faces and  gestures.  He sure has personality already!  He LOVES his bunny bouncy chair to bits!  As for his looks...once I dig out some baby pictures, you will see....he is my clone!  It sort of freaks me out sometimes while looking at him.  He looks just like I did when I was born.  I am hoping he grows into his Daddy's looks too since I would love to see his full head of dark locks turn into brilliant curls and his blue eyes stay crystal blue just like "Dad".

We have been so blessed with friends and family visiting, bringing meals, groceries, picking up necessities, staying over the night (love you MOM!), and helping out wherever they can.  You have NO IDEA how much we appreciate all of your love and kindness.  

As for Dave and I...yes we are sleep deprived, yes we are still learning each and every day, and yes we have been pooped and peed on multiple times, but we wouldn't have it any other way.  Dave has been my saviour and I can't imagine a better Daddy for my precious little baby.  

Stay tuned!  More to come!  More professional pictures to come...so excited!

 Now where is my bed?.........