On this particular walk, I took Kiptyn to the park and let him run free. He loved running as far as he wanted into the field and laughing as I tried to keep up with camera in hand. Aside from the Goose poop that covered his shoes at the end of our little walk, it was a perfect evening at the park.

For some reason Kiptyn always walks with his arms up when he is set free....maybe he thinks he can fly

A little rest for raisins
He's such a happy man
This walk was the last one before all the leaves fell in the woods on our street. There were some kids playing in the woods and Kiptyn tried so hard to keep up with them. He finally gave up after they started up the hill and he just enjoyed sitting in the sea of orange while taking it all in.
Before the walk....
I love his little pursed lips that he does when he is so proud of himself. I just love...
On our way!

In the woods

Look at these freakin' colours!
I do not want to go home yet Mama!

I'm staying here....come get me!
You aren't leaving without me right???

I love you Mama
This picture was a fluke. I went to take a picture of Bug and he ran away. When I was chasing after him I accidentally snapped a pic (with my iPhone) and this is what I got....no editing or filters other than a crop for Instagram....no funny business...love it.

Such a poser.
And this is his "Dave" pose I have been told by several people now...lol

I also took my students on a walk this week into the forest by our school to study symmetrical and asymmetrical shapes and poses in dance. Although we did talk about shapes, it was mostly for the inspiration (and the exercise/hike it took to get there!). Have I ever mentioned how much I love my job???

Dave and I went to a beautiful wedding in Toronto last weekend. A friend of mine from theatre was married in the Capitol Theatre. It was stunning and so romantic starting at 7pm with a beautiful wedding-in-the-round style ceremony in the middle of the theatre. Of course it was like an old reunion as many of my friends from Original Kids Theatre were at the celebration as well.
WHAT a fun night.

The beautiful, happy couple surrounded by their loved ones

The perfect autumn evening- a celebration of love, friends, wine, candle light, and a pretty amazing DJ in charge of getting people on up on the dance floor!

Here's a few iPhone pics from the past week or so....hope everyone stayed dry during the hurricane...my heart goes out to those who experienced damage and loss.

Kippy Boo loves the outdoors...he would stay out there rain or shine for hours on end

The BEAUTIFUL sky on my way to work one morning

Pizza face. He loves his spinach pizza...and Mama is learning to allow messes once in a while.

Sushi with the cousins!
Faith...you are SOOOOO funny!
Pure and Unconditional Love

Our little baby has moved from two naps to one.....daycare had to do it this way due to new younger babies coming into his infant room. He is a tired little man.

But he's always up bright and early in the morning!
Yet another successful trip to the USA! Christmas exploded there and Kiptyn had a blast.
Taking care of his baby
And Daddy decided to try out his new gym bag....silly Daddy! Bags are not for babies!

That's all for now folks! Stay tuned for a Spooky Halloween post!

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