Friday, April 27, 2012

Capturing the Shot

I told you I'd be back!

Cynthia (the photographer we worked with) was amazing and explained SO much to me but now I have a lot of homework to do, so....I have my work cut out for me!

Here we go!

Soft, soft couch

Sometimes babies have small melt-downs...he he he...and I think they are adorable.

In the Garden.  What is cuter than a baby in a bucket?

These three photos were taken by Cynthia.  She's amazing!

We hit up Springbank park one day and tried the swing.  Kiptyn is still a little small for the baby swing so he wasn't totally sure about it. 

 We also tried the blue car!

 His favourite part?  Just sitting on the blanket with Mama trying to eat the rocks and sticks and dirt. 


I love this kid.

We came home and Kiptyn had a little rest with Daddy....he LOVES watching his videos on the iPhone, and I love watching these two together.

 My little Bug is growing up...

 But he's still just a "little" to me!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

These Days

As of lately I have been really craving knowledge about photography.  I am super duper uber excited to report that I have a little one on one photography lesson this week with an AMAZING photographer Cynthia Bendle (One-12 Photography- the woman who took Kiptyn's ADORABLE newborn pictures).  I can't wait!  I will post some pictures when I can.


I was fooling around with the camera one day when the light seemed perfect.  Although half naked, my baby sure looked innocent and handsome in the shots. I might just have to frame a couple.


 Happy Baby

 Blue Blue Blue

Help Mom!  I'm falling!

 We had a belated Easter get-together with the London boys.  They are really starting to be mobile.  Some crawling, some pulling themselves up, and others (ie- Kiptyn) just sitting and chillin' in the ball pit.




Kiptyn Campbell ;)

Line em' up!

Can you tell they are ALL teething?  Ha  ha ha...drool monsters!

 It has been cooler and rainy these days which I hope is just a promise of the sunshine and warm weather to come.  In the meantime I am enjoying looking at our fresh spring backyard.  It always looks so pretty in the rain.

And we have been keeping cozy indoors with lots of play and lots of snuggles!

 Kippy Boo and I set out one afternoon in the rain to visit Jessica and her parents at their house on the beach.  We got our rain boots on and off we went!

 Jessica and Kiptyn 

Kippy and Grandpa Roger

We had another get-together a week later to say "goodbye-for-now" to Kiptyn's little friend Shane and his Mama Sam who are going to Nova Scotia for the next few months.  We are excited to see them back here again in time for the 1st birthday party!

Kiptyn and his girl Lily back together once again...he's so happy!

Grandma and Grandpa Welbourn are back from Florida!  One night Kiptyn and I waited on the porch and waited for Daddy to come home so we could go out and meet them for dinner!

When we went out to dinner Kiptyn ordered his very first meal!  He didn't end up eating it however as his Daddy and Grandma filled him up on bread and meatballs and noodles from their wedding soup.

Getting ready on Mama's back for the MS walk!

The Bug and Auntie Colleen at the finish line!

Of course his feet are still crossed....

I have been taking a lot of pics on my iPhone and I'm LOVING Instagram (and all my fun friends on Instagram), but they don't look as nice as the photos from my camera when I actually post them on the computer.  You can tell from the above photos which ones are grainy and poor quality (iPhone), but I still think they are cute and I kind of love the grainy charm. Here are a few...

I have another post ready to go as well so it should be up within a day or two.  This new Blogger update threw me for a loop when I was almost ready to post and it didn't save what I had from the old layout.  I think I am getting the hang of it though!  More to come!