Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Dear Kiptyn

Happy half birthday my Love Bug!

Where has the time gone?  I can't believe you are already half a year old.  

 From the moment we saw you, you stole our hearts. 
   Even though it has only been 6 months, we cannot imagine life without you.  You fill up our souls with love and we have taken in each and every moment watching you grow.    

Your Daddy and I have been blessed with the best gift ever.  You are happy, strong, funny, a sweetheart, and have a shining personality!

There have been days of laughter, tears, and sickness and you have taught us so many important lessons.  I love how you love.  You always have a smile to pass along (even to strangers who love to give your Mommy advice on how to raise her child).

Although Mommy is still adjusting to her new body post-baby, the c-section scar that you left behind makes me smile now as it just makes me think of YOU.  You made me a Mama and I will forever in indebted to you for that.

Your big open mouthed kisses send me through the roof with love.  I love the way you reach out and hold my face pulling it in for more kisses.Your laugh is infectious and nobody can witness it without laughing right along.

Your big white "chicklets" in the bottom of your mouth are cuter than ever and I know that the top ones will be coming along soon.

 You gave me a tough time in the beginning learning along with me how to feed you.  Now, we have the opposite don't know how to feed without me....and for now, I'm okay with that.  I feel a special closeness with you and it makes me so happy that I can comfort and sooth you.

Before you were born we talked many nights and days about what we thought you would look like, act like, and bring to our lives.  We could NEVER have even imagined this much love if we tried.

 Since you have mastered rolling over, we have recently been practicing sitting up.  All too soon you will be crawling around and giving me a run for my money.  

 You have tried cereal, squash, apples, pears, and sweet potato.  You sure love your food- except bananas and meat....we are working on that. 

I cannot get enough of your sweet voice which has been trying to tell me stories for months now.  I also love your soft whispers and coos when you rest your head on my shoulder before drifting off to sleep.

 I love when I go to check on you in the night and I smell "baby" as soon as I open your nursery door.

Kiptyn, I love you more than words can say.  You are still my little Bug and will always be my Prince.  I cannot wait to see what the next 6 months has in store for us and at the same time I want to bottle up your squishy baby "goodness" and stay in this moment forever.

I can honestly say that I have never been happier in my life than I am in this very moment.  

  I love you sweet baby.



Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Motherhood is a funny thing.  It is nothing you can prepare for no matter how hard you try, and yet it is both the hardest and easiest thing to do.  In the beginning I had no idea what I was doing and I found it very overwhelming.  I also then felt guilty for being so emotional and not enjoying my baby to the fullest the first week when he was so tiny.  I have since found that everything is a challenge and as soon as you think you finally know what you are doing everything changes.

I am simply LOVING being at home.  I wasn't sure that this is where I would want to be for a whole year and now I never want to go BACK to work.  Of course I will (and yes I do love my job but I love my baby more), as we have to keep the money rolling in, but I am living each day without taking anything for granted while I am at home with my Prince.

I love that he needs me.  I love that he wants me.  And I even secretly loved the fact that today he started crying (like REALLY crying) every time I left his sight...not because he was crying, but because I knew he just wanted his Mama.  I will always hold a special place in my heart for my Kippy-boo as he was the one who made me a Mama.  He has taught me so many things about babies, family, myself and life in general.  I have grown as a person in a million ways since having him.  I take in each moment and at the same time dream about our future together as a family.  I am purely loving it.  Here is Kippy-boo having an early morning cuddle with his Daddy.

Kiptyn is one crazy kid already.  His personality is HUGE for such a tiny guy and he makes me laugh more than I have ever laughed before.  He screeches like a pterodactyl in a very high pitch when excited, and it is not a hard task to get him laughing nowadays.  He makes the funniest faces and he is never a hard book to read.  He lets me know what he wants and what he needs without any question.

Thank goodness for Pee-Pee Tee-Pees!
This past week we have been trying a few foods!  Kiptyn LOVES his rice cereal, butternut squash, and apples, and this Mama LOVES her Baby Bullet (thanks Natalie!).  I bought a jar of butternut squash from the grocery store to see the difference.  Ingredients were exactly the same: Butternut Squash and Water.  I tried a sample of each, and not only was mine a brighter more vibrant colour of orange, it tasted so fresh and sweet compared to the store bought jar.  Why wouldn't I make my own after that experience?  Next week we will try a couple of other things but we are trying to take it slow.  Kiptyn however has a different agenda.  He is more hungry than he was before we started foods and it seems he could eat forever.  My little chunk is growing!

And a little piece of peach at Daddy's work!

 We are back in our old routine these days since Daddy has been back to work.  Going to playgroups, meeting with  other Mamas and babies, planning for showers and parties, and the list goes on.

Here is Kiptyn the morning of playgroup.  He loves his Zariah!

Last week we also started a Mama and Baby Dance class with Aimee and little Lily.  The babies were all so good and really enjoyed the salsa dancing.  I believe we have one more week of salsa and then we move onto a different type of dance.  Kiptyn was super excited that we had playground AND dance class in the same day!

 Kiptyn held that Maraca like it was nobody's business! They were too cute.

Kiptyn: "I'm a little scared Lily"

Lily: "Don't worry Kippy, I'll hold your hand"

Kiptyn: "Yes teacher, I'm here!"

Kiptyn can finally fit into his converse!  He was given one pair from Auntie Vanessa (thank you!!!) and I bought a second pair because they are irresistible!

My Bug is getting big.  This particular day he didn't want to be in his car seat.  So I let him sit in the "big boy" part of the grocery cart.  He LOVED it!  And he got a lot of attention from the ladies as he looked so tiny to be riding up front.  I am thankful that he didn't want to hold onto the rail as those things gross me out a bit and I wasn't prepared with a cover or even a wet nap this particular day.

Baby Bear

Showing off his teeth!

We also tried him in his bath seat.  He didn't really enjoy that experience.  He cried shortly after this picture was taken.  Maybe in a few more weeks.

This past weekend I hosted a bridal shower/bachelorette party for my friend Colleen.  It was a pajama party and we stayed in but there was a lot of entertainment.  It was a great night of fun, laughs, surprises, and food.

Kiptyn and Colleen before the little man headed off to bed.  He actually fell asleep at 5:30pm in the midst of the party (his regular bedtime is around6-6:30) and didn't wake up throughout the whole thing.

Some fun and games!

The "appetizer"!  Lol....this is actually my friend Colin. (This is not his day job OR his night job)  He agreed to come and pretend to be a stripper to scare Colleen and surprise everyone.  Luckily nobody knew him.  It was hilarious!  The best part was my mom saying, "Carla is that guy alone upstairs with Kiptyn???!" while Colin was changing in our guest room and Kiptyn was fast asleep.  It was too funny.  Colin was a GREAT sport and he can really move!  :)

A note: Colin cannot be hired for this type of was a one time deal and he can only be found with his 1 year old daughter during the day as a stay-at-home-dad. :)

Finally, we had a Fantasia party to end the night.  I couldn't resist getting a picture of Janet (Colleen's mom) with this...LOL.  (Another note: I did ask permission to put this photo on my blog, she said "yes" even if she did have a glass of wine or two...)

I have been DYING to get Kippy on his new sled.  It always seems that when the snow is perfect for it we are too busy or someone is sick or it is too dark.  This week I decided that I was just going to pop him in the stroller and go for a night snow walk instead.  I really hope we can get out that sled soon!  Look at my little red-nosed cutie!


Now that Kiptyn has mastered the "roll-over" we are trying to work on sitting up.  This Baby-Sitter pillow isn't really much of a help.  He just tends to lean on it instead.

My little rockstar!

Kiptyn with his Grandma getting ready for bed. He's getting so long! Sleepy baby....

Although Motherhood has its challenges, the beauty of being a parent FAR outweighs those challenges.  I miss him when I put him to bed and I can't wait until morning to see his amazing smile.  He is my everything (and his Daddy of course!)