Kiptyn was sick for almost two whole months, we got a new computer (which I am still figuring out), I put on a Dance Show (which was great but had added stresses of its own this year) and then Christmas holidays came and was spent relaxing with family and friends. In the back of my head I kept thinking about how backed up I am on this Blog and how big my job was going to be when I get back on here the next time. So, I put off "the next time" for a long time.
I decided tonight when I logged in that I wasn't going to put any pressure on myself about getting a Blog post done. I decided I would get the pictures off of my camera and my iPhone, organize them a bit, and then pick a few to use in a quick little update (this being the update), so that I could at least start somewhere without feeling completely overwhelmed. I feel a little better already. I will do a massive Christmas/December post very soon but for now I need to allow myself to "be okay" with being behind. I had a great holiday (it is not over yet!), and spent so much time with loved ones and I want to be sure I don't feel guilty for that. For not keeping up. For not staying afloat. For just living, and loving. Sometimes we put too much pressure on ourselves to get things done that it takes the fun out of it. I want to spend time looking through the holiday photos and remembering new traditions and really reliving those memories when I go to post on my Blog. I don't want to feel rushed or push through it just because part of me feels that I haven't been "keeping up".
SO...without further are some recent photos (most of them from iPhone...sorry for the poor quality) with a promise of holiday cheer to come!
My Bestie Colleen had her baby boy- James. He is tiny and squishable, healthy and perfect. I had the pleasure of spending some time with him when he was first born to get a few pictures and a snuggle.
My own little man, is getting Cheekier and cheekier by the minute. He is so FULL of personality and I am enjoying every second.
He is a nature lover that is for sure. He LOVES being outside and with the new snow that has fallen, he is such a little explorer.
Although he is getting bigger and finally putting some of the weight back on that he lost during his many weeks of illness, he is still so much a baby to me. I have a feeling I will feel this way no matter how big he gets.
On my birthday we went out for dinner. He had the time of his life and ate everything in sight. Please note- that is not his glass of wine.
He had a beer.
Cars are his favourite thing and he goes around saying,
"Car! Car! Brrrrroooooommmmm!" all day long.

At a party the weekend after my birthday, Dave surprised me with one more cake. My birthday lasted about two weeks.

And Kipper helped Daddy bring his Mama two bottles of her favourite wine.
During a strange "feeling okay moment" at the hospital at 3am, Kippy Boo decided that he wanted to play. It didn't last long, and he soon went through some torturous tests but it made Mama happy to see he still had some "play" in him.
PS- Please don't be alarmed. I didn't allow him to play with the germ-infested toys in the ER waiting room. This room was the x-ray waiting room in the basement of the hospital where we sat all alone.
Sweet Bug waiting in between tests.
One of his favourite things these days? Brushing his teeth.
One of his LEAST favourite things? Allowing us to brush his teeth.
Squeaky Clean!
Elmo tattoos from the stocking. He hated it. Wanted it off...and then scraped it off with his teeth.
Okay, I have spent enough time up here on the computer now. I need to go and find my husband, relax in front of the tv, and soak up the last day of our holidays.
See you soon!
I just read all 9 of your 2013 blog posts!! :P I should get myself to bed now!! LOL But they really make me want to start mine up again!! Need to find the time! :P But I liked the beginning of this one, as that is how I often feel.. like there is so much 'other' stuff I should be doing.. when the most important thing is to just live.. be in the moment, whatever that moment might be.. and take stress out of the equation! :) xox