The boys were SOOOOOO cute.
Of course a lot of sand got into the mouth, but I think that is just part of being a baby!
Look at those sandy FEET!
Relaxin' with Mama.
We will surely be going back to the beach a lot this summer. This boy is a beach baby!
For my Mom's birthday Kiptyn became a baby Picasso.
As with everything else...he ate some.....
It was cute to watch him with the paint but I was surprised that he didn't enjoy it as much as I thought he would. He isn't a big fan of having messy hands so I think this put him over the top!
Nothing a bath in the sink won't fix!
The finished product was beautiful! He was so proud.
A few weeks back we went to the Roots of Empathy end of the year celebration. It was so cute to see all of the babies who participated together on one BIG green blanket. We only have one more family visit to the classroom will be a sad day saying goodbye to the little ones we have gotten to know so well over this school year.
Here is Kippy with Lisa, our facilitator and the MC for the day.
Kiptyn found his little friend Asher and they shared a few bites of Sophie.
All of the babies and parents in one shot! Can you find us? Bottom left....
The rest of this post I will devote to my MANY MANY pics from my iPhone that I finally uploaded...They go back at least a month or so at this point so here we go......
My sushi lover!
My shopping partner!
Who knew the mall family bathroom had a PANIC button!!!
My sushi lover!
My shopping partner!
Who knew the mall family bathroom had a PANIC button!!!
Speaking of on the edge......ZERO km left in the Edge!
Mama got a new cell phone her favourite colour!
He stands!!!

Even in the crib....
He gets into mischief!
Out for breakfast with Gramps...
At the doctor
Early morning, fresh pedicure
Lovin' for Mr. Giraffe
New bright purple kicks!
Lunch with Lily
Lunch with Cousins
Gotta love those crossed feet!
Kisses for Gammy's knee
Flower for Mama
Smiles for everyone he sees!
I ADORE this house...and stalk it whenever I drive by...
Skinny stripey legs
Mickey Mouse Man
Bath Time for Kippy!
Bedtime for Kippy!
Bath time for Mama!
Baptism, updates and more in the next post!
Happy Monday Everyone!
Mama got a new cell phone her favourite colour!
He stands!!!

Even in the crib....
He gets into mischief!
Out for breakfast with Gramps...
At the doctor
Early morning, fresh pedicure
Lovin' for Mr. Giraffe
New bright purple kicks!
Lunch with Lily
Lunch with Cousins
Gotta love those crossed feet!
Kisses for Gammy's knee
Flower for Mama
Smiles for everyone he sees!
I ADORE this house...and stalk it whenever I drive by...
Skinny stripey legs
Mickey Mouse Man
Bath Time for Kippy!
Bedtime for Kippy!
Bath time for Mama!
Baptism, updates and more in the next post!
Happy Monday Everyone!
GREAT pics Carla!! :D Our boys are definitely beach babies!! :) Love the painting you did for your Mom! Mine has been asking for some art!! Might have to try it out with Max!! :)