Well I feel
pretty bad about not blogging for Miss Maisy like I did for Kiptyn. I know, I know…the whole “First-borns always
get the most attention in the baby book” syndrome has taken over. I can easily make excuses….moving to our new house, life
with two kiddos, Christmas, Illness etc. (and those are all valid)….but the
truth is…I think I just value my family time so much, I don’t want to use any
of it sitting at a computer alone. After
the kids go to bed is the only time I get to spend with Dave. SO- here I am….at 4am…trying to punch out a
little bloggy Blog before anyone else wakes up.
*Edited....make that three 4am wake-ups to create this Blog*
*Edited....make that three 4am wake-ups to create this Blog*
came into the world in a way all her own (I will get to the birth story…I
promise….maybe another 4am Blog) and she sure hasn’t slowed down since.
She is
happy-oh my! Is she ever happy, and my girl is the best shopping partner there
is. I adore my time alone with her just
as much as I love the days Kippy Boo is home from daycare and I can watch them
interact together. Kiptyn STILL refers
to her as “Baby Dit-der” although now he will sort of whisper “Maisy” when
asked what her name is.
They are so
very different from each other. Not only
in looks but in everything.
couldn’t be cuter these days. He is
growing and talking like crazy and has kept his sweet demeanor through it
all. I know kids change all the time but
so far Kiptyn truly is a dream child. He
is sensitive so tears come easily, but he doesn’t have a mean bone in his
body. He is gentle and timid, and doesn’t
give us trouble. I wouldn’t say the “terrible
twos” are even real with this child. If
he has something taken away by another child, or doesn’t get what he wants from
us (ie- chocolate), he cries with his square mouth cry and big huge tears roll
down his cheeks but all he wants is to be snuggled and held and handed a Kleenex
to “dry my tears”. He would never grab,
or hit, or have a tantrum on the floor.
I don’t think we know how truly lucky we are with him since we don’t
know any other way with two year olds other than what we see of other children
when out in public.
Maisy Daisy
on the other hand…..may give us a run for our money! She is feisty. Only having Kiptyn to judge by…she sure has
more determination to get what she wants at her young age of four months. She lets you know when she has had enough of
a certain toy or a certain position and if you put her somewhere she doesn’t
want to be she pushes those little chubby hips of hers up so that it becomes almost
impossible to strap her in. Just like I
love Kippy’s sweet innocent ways….I love seeing this feisty side of my
girl. She knows what she wants and she
almost always gets it. She is very
vocal, always screeching at her toys and talking to herself. Kiptyn gets a kick out her bubble blowing
skills and the way she flashes a massive smile to everyone who even glances her
way. His favourite thing to say is, “Oooooh
Baby!”. I think the two of them
compliment each other so well. I can see
into the future...Maisy will take an adventurous idea and run with it despite
the trouble or dangers it entails and Kiptyn will be running behind to help her
be sure she covers her bases...juuuuust in case the pieces fall apart.
I love my two littles so very much and life before them is a mere happy memory. I can’t tell you how many times I have seen those little squares people post on Facebook talking about how they don’t even get a moment to themselves anymore to go to the bathroom without their child interrupting, and I think to myself…”I wouldn’t want it any other way”. I don’t forget about myself, or my husband, and when I read those articles on stay-at-home Moms or working Moms I don’t really have an opinion. I don’t find “being a Mom” even something you can put a label on such as “hard” or “easy”. It is what it is. And to me….amazing. All of it. Of course there are times when things get crazy, and I worry a lot, and I also question myself all the time. There are many times when I get overwhelmed, I too have been the one with two crying kids at the grocery store, I don’t have meals planned out or grocery lists ready for the week ahead and my house isn’t always as tidy or clean as we would like it to be…but that stuff doesn’t make Motherhood “hard”…it is just another part of the adventure of being Mama.
These three are my world.
Having a girl has been amazing although I cannot be more thankful that I had a boy first. Growing up I always dreamed of having a girl. When I was pregnant with Kiptyn I was convinced it was a girl. I didn’t know what to do with a boy when I found out, and yet he has been the biggest blessing in our lives. I LOVE boys, and would have been happy having another, but having Maisy and experiencing one of each is so much more than I could have asked for. I look forward to seeing them grow up and dealing with “boy stuff” and “girl stuff”. People tell you that raising a boy is easier than raising a girl, or vise versa, but I think that really just depends on the personality of the child, not really on their gender. I have friends who have raised amazing boys AND girls, and I also have friends who have had troubles and heartache raising either gender as well.
This is Kiptyn's "please can I have another yogurt" face.
I asked Dave
last night if he thought having a girl was different than having a boy. His answer was, “No…she is just a
baby so far”. I have to agree with the
fact that babies are babies and their personality differs without having
anything to do with gender...and after having really thought about it long and
hard…he is right. Kiptyn loves to wear “his
dance” aka-his skirt (well…Maisy’s skirts but I actually bought them when I was
pregnant with Kiptyn so TECHNICALLY they are his), he loves to play in his play
kitchen, and Dora is his favourite television show.
He doesn’t know the difference of gender quite yet and it is
really quite refreshing.
Now that I
have rambled on and on and on about middle-of-the-night thoughts…here are a
BUNCH of photos from the past four months that have been waiting to be attached
to the Blog.
Lets start with Christmas...
Kiptyn had his Christmas concert again this year and had one more member in the audience there for him. Although she slept most of the time, Kiptyn was very proud to perform for his sister.
Last year (if you recall), he cried the entire performance. I wondered all year long how this year would turn out...and...NO CRYING! He stood on his little piece of tape on the floor and even busted out a few moves for us. I was beyond proud. I have issues with children singing or dancing on stage and I cry every time. Since this performance involved my own child....
forgeddaboutit...I was a wreck.

Since the weather was snowy ALL WINTER LONG....and boy was it a long one...we tried to embrace it and have some fun.
Hot Cocoa always tasted so good coming in from
playing in the snow
Sometimes if we took too long getting ready to go outside, the little one would drift off...
Mama had some fun with photos....even if the babies didn't...
And there were lots of warm snuggles on the couch.
It was the first Christmas in our new house and it was perfect. We hosted the family for dinner and just enjoyed each other's company.
Dave wore his amazing Christmas Sweater.
It made my day.
Bug's favourite gift
New Years Eve was much of the same. We didn't attend a party this year and decided just to host a family get-together once again. Having a one month old at New Years makes for an earlier night than past years. I was TOTALLY okay with the decision to stay in and we had a blast.
Since some of the family had the flu over Christmas, we extended the holiday parties and got together in the New Year. I love any reason to celebrate.
Kiptyn has been working on potty training.
And he LOVES a nice warm shower!
I have another post coming soon (I hope...I say this every time...I really just have to make the time for it!) so here are a few more pictures from early 2014! They are all of Maisy as Kiptyn is MUCH harder to capture these days.
My boy doesn't slow down!
Snow in her hair
She has a smile for everyone
I can't even believe she is mine
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