Shame has been too long.
A lot has gone down in the Welbourn house over the past few months since I have posted.
Our little man turned TWO, we bought a new house, sold our old one, moved, and Baby Birdie is almost fully baked and ready to be earth side.
Phew! It has been a crazy summer and things are finally settling down just in time for the holiday season. This post will mostly be a picture montage of the summer. I have all of the photos done for my "Fall" Blog as well so as long as little girl stays put for a couple more days I should have them both posted, and be all caught up and ready to introduce her on the Blog when she arrives.
Starting with Canada Day!
We went to a pool party and celebrated our wonderful Country CANADA in Red and White.
Then July was full of beaches, pools, splash pads, going for walks, and get-togethers.
This splash pad is so cute with the flower theme
This one was after the Annual Teddy Bear Picnic in St. Thomas
This is the park where I used to swim when I was a little girl.
I love that Kiptyn now enjoys the same places I did.
We got Bug a new floaty to swim with and he LOVED it!
Most mornings he would run and grab his shark to tell us he wanted to go swimming.
We went on little adventures in the neighbourhood.
Kiptyn tried many times to play in other people's yards.
We picked "flowers"
And played, "Don't step on a crack"
And we didn't let the mud and rain get in the way....oh no....that just made everything more fun!
We crafted
And gardened
Looked for Bugs
And fell in love...
At one point Kippy Boo became so obsessed with this hat.....he wouldn't take it off for a week.
Until Daddy hid it and we moved onto other hats
We went to the beach one night for a little photo shoot for his birthday party invites.
I have to say, this little man melted my heart running around free as a bird.
Although it rained on and off the day of his party, it turned out wonderfully.
It was warm enough to be outside between the rain showers.
The Birthday Boy!
He makes the funniest faces....I just love him
The inside of the cake had polka dots!
For our craft we stuck nautical stickers on beach balls
I can't believe he is Two

After the party, we played outside with a few remaining guests and new toys...
And look at the biggest surprise of the day was!
So perfect.
He had an amazing day
Since my parents were away for Kiptyn's birthday party, it only seemed right to have another one the following weekend!
Grandpa seemed to have the most fun with the new cars...
Belly competition!
And it keeps growing and growing...
Here are some more from the rest of I said, lots of water play and lots of FUN!
One of Kippy's favourite things to do at Gammy & Grandpa's
house is to drive in his car down their hill.
He could not get enough of the water at the beach.
Comparing bellies
Sports with Dad in the backyard
Ducky pond visits
Chasing the light on the floor at Grandma & Grandpa's house
Relaxing on a swing and taking in the warm air
Relaxing in the grass....I always wonder what is going through his head when he stops and sits
One night we met up with the Mamas and Daddies and babies from Kippy's birth club at the beach.
It was a beautiful night and although we had big plans for photos and such,
the water and the the two year olds had other plans.
It was so nice to see everyone again.
I just love these babies.
The newest member of our birth club...Shane's little brother JD.
He melts my heart.
The best we could do for a photo was just to hold their squirmy little bodies for a moment

Dave and I also got out a few times to celebrate.
This is from our Anniversary date to the beach. It was an amazing meal and walk.
I am the luckiest girl there is.
We took little man to see Thomas the Train.
His obsession only grew from here.
There were many trips to the park...
He loves to sing while he plays the bells
He rode the train and "choo-choo'ed" the whole time
And my little Kippy Boo picked "flowers" for his Mama
Kiptyn loves the outdoors and would sleep out there if we let him
We had family swim dates
We captured all five!
And we didn't always get a smile
But he loved hanging out in his big cousin's room!
I was able to sneak in some visits and cuddles with Little Miss Kenzie
And we went to visit more cousins at the beach
The ever growing bump!
Kiptyn and Layton had a blast with the Rockets
And a little square mouth to end the day
We enjoyed the community pool at my Aunt's place a lot
once we discovered it at the end of the summer
I just love this picture of Dave and Kiptyn hanging out and chatting on the bench
Of course I can't end here without sharing my little square-mouth pics.
He is so dramatic and will go from tears and square-mouth in a matter of milliseconds.
It is no wonder I am even able to capture them!
The square-mouth is rare however and Kiptyn is such a happy guy.
Dave and I talk all the time about how lucky we are with him.
He is always happy, very gentle and cautious,
he loves to see new things, and he is always so sweet.
He is also a great shopping partner for Mama
Although he is an early riser, (between 5-6am every single day)...
he wakes up singing sweetly in his crib and always greets you with a BIG
every time you walk in the room.
So a nutshell....was our summer.
Onto the Fall/Moving Blog....and get ready....
I have to get it done to be ready for baby Birdie's arrival this week!
So many wonderful photos here Carla! Indeed it looks like you had a great Summer. Now time for 1 more post before Baby Birdies arrival. So excited for you! <3