The whole thought of starting back at work and my little Bug going off to Daycare makes me uneasy...so for now I will post pictures of the fun summer days that we have just had and leave out the emotional post about what we are about to embark on.

SO.....we had an AMAZING time at the Lake House! We went twice...came home on the weekend and went up during the week. We really needed the relaxation that it provided. Not only was it a place where we couldn't attend to our daily To Do List, but it gave us the motivation to get those things done once we were back home. Here we go!
We spent most of our days at the beach. Little Mr. LOVES water and sand.

Daddy enjoyed making Kiptyn his own little "hot tub" to play in.

But our little explorer had other items on his agenda. Like cars, trucks and diggers.

Grandma & Grandpa Welbourn came to visit one day as well!

Another beach day!

Of course we started the mornings with a little yoga...
A little walk on the beach with Gammy...

A little shoe trying-on.....
And a little "raisins stuck in my teeth" cry to let us know it was naptime. This is what we call Kiptyn's "Square mouth". When he cries, his whole bottom lip goes down and out like a square. It is the cutest thing (although a little sad) but when he is tired or hungry he breaks it out and we all say, "Uh oh....here comes Square Mouth".
We only had one rainy day, which allowed us to cheer on Team Canada in the Olympics.

The soccer game was a nail biter!!!

But the half day of rain didn't stop us from going out for some walks and to splash in the puddles!

Here is Kippy Boo with Gammy early one morning checking on the veggies and flowers in the garden.


We went out for dinners in either Grand Bend or Bayfield most nights and Kiptyn LOVED walking down the streets in search for older boys to play with.

*Please note- while on vacation, we rarely wear shoes.

Over here Gammy!!!

A few nights Kiptyn stayed up way past his bedtime. Something that we rarely ever do, but since we were on vacation and he seemed to be okay, we decided to let him.

Being up later also meant we were able to go to the beach one night and show him his first sunset! What a way to experience that!

Dave and I had a couple of night sunset swims to ourselves as well thanks to Gammy acting as "babysitter" while the Bug slept.

Even though he had some late nights, it didn't stop him from being his usual early riser self!

A silly day of relaxation, beach, and walks.

Rub-a-dub-dub! Time for the TUB!

I just love watching these two men love on each other. Kippy Boo gives out the best kisses now. He even blows kisses from the back seat of the car too!
When Grandpa was at the Lake House he also got some love...Grandpa had food...which didn't hurt.

There was a park just across the street which we went to a few times. Going down the slide is a new thing now and our little man is obsessed!
Peek-a-boo! This slide has holes!
As always, the swings were also a hit.
Okay guys....lets go back to the beach!
Every time we set out for the beach it was a new adventure. There are three ways to get to the beach...all within 5 minutes of walking. Two through the woods, and one down a big hill. We usually chose the path through the woods with all of its cool bridges and little rivers to cross.

I am so in love with this next picture of Kiptyn holding hands with Daddy and Gammy. He looks so timid and sweet.

Here are a few other pics from the past two weeks. We have been soaking up the sun for all it's worth and trying to spend as much time together as possible. I am loving our car mirror and can't believe we didn't have one until this summer. What did I do without this thing?!?
At the local baby boutique picking out a backpack. Little Bug found something else he would like instead.
We spent a few nights in the back yard with a fire, smores and wine.
We hit up the local beaches as well a few times. Gotta get it in now before the weather turns! We met Lily at a beach bar for a date!

He likes Daddy's hat.
Stopped on the way home from the beach to play with cousin Faith (who was staying with Grandma and Grandpa for the week), to eat some cherries, and then proceed to have a bath to get all the cherry juice off!
Who has tan lines? Me?!?

We got Kiptyn a bike carrier for his birthday which he loves. One day we took him for a ride to visit Gammy and Grampy at church. He was a little bit of a spectacle.
No Mama....this is not where I go!

He also got an adorable big dump truck. His favourite place to ride.

And some natural wooden blocks from his buddy Gavin. My kid is a genius! ;)

See? Genius I tell ya!

As you can probably tell by now, Kippy Boo is a car lov-ah! He loves everything about them. So, we decided to replace his foam alphabet letter mat for a cool new car road mat. Here he is in his new car pj's on his new rug posing...in Kiptyn style.

We have still been attending lots of First birthday parties. This one was at a splash pad!

This one, the babies gathered in the sandbox!

And what would summer be without a walk with Gammy down the street in nothing but a diaper and shoes?
That's all for now!

Kipyn sure had fun,at,the beach. I remember being there,too and having fun with him.