I meant to get a post up before school started but alas I was too busy. Imagine that?
The last week of summer was simply perfect. We had our last few outings to the beach (there were many, including the final one on Labor Day), we had a few parties to attend, and we spent lots and lots of time together. I cuddled with my little Bug as much as possible and memorized his face, and smell. It felt strange to be aware of what was coming up for us, and yet I didn't have a clue what I was really in store for.
Lets rewind to that last week.
A play date with Kippy's buddy Cole. They are getting so big!

A few bike rides to the pond to see the ducks

Some trips to the playground

On Daddy's shoulders is best

Please excuse the baby plumber-butt

The bandana is now a "Kipy-boo staple". He wears them often and he looks funky. Who says you can't accessorize boys?

A visit to Gammy & Gampy's house

Spoiled boy had a water table waiting for his arrival. Since we didn't have a bathing suit...the clothes came off pretty fast!

Yet another trip to the USA to pick up Kiptyn's lunch bag we left last time and to pick up a couple of other items. If this coat were in his size I would have bought ten. I'm sorry but please! It's so darn cute!

Some relaxing back yard fun
Hey Ladies

A night time cuddle in the back yard as well...
Complete with a fire (and wine!) for Mommy & Daddy

Lots of grocery store visits

And family get-togethers

Our beach trips are always so relaxing. This is where Kiptyn is the happiest. With his family and at the beach.

I always wonder what is going on in that little mind of his. I guess I will never know, but I bet it is something profound.

Bobbing for Cherries!

Heading for Mama....where he belongs

Another Daddy-made hot tub pool for Bug

Kiptyn has quite the little personality. He LOVES shoes, socks and hats.

He is SUCH a Love Bug. He will kiss anyone and everything. The kissy sound comes out and everything. Sometimes he even says, "hmmmmm....mwa!", and many times we get it from the back seat while in the car. TOO cute!

He loves to help with the laundry too....lol

Grandma & Grandpa Welbourn went away to France so before they left we had a couple of visits!
During the week before school we did another little stop in at the daycare to drop off some of the things Kiptyn would need and to check it out once more with Gammy.

This way Gammy...I'll show ya!

Then it was off to Uncle Chris & Aunt Jen's house for a swim

Excuse me Mama, Can I have one too?

When we got home, Kippy boo helped Mama fill out some daycare paperwork.

We went to Kiptyn's buddy Asher's first birthday party- cowboy style! What a fun day!
Of course Kiptyn headed straight for the pool with Shane
This tunnel thing is one of Kiptyn's favourite things at the moment. We don't have one but he tends to gravitate toward it everywhere we go that has one.

Found more water!

He is climbing everything!
One of our favourite things to do on the weekend is to meet Gammy & Gampy at the local weekend market.

That's right folks! He is officially a WALKER! It took a little longer than 12 months, but now he has it down. He would rather walk than crawl now and he doesn't need help to get up from the floor. I have to say, it is SO super cute to watch his proud smiley face as he putters his little feet toward you.

Although almost always a very happy boy, the "square mouth" has come out a few times in the past couple of weeks as well.

Sushi dinner out is a staple at the Welbourn residence.
This little guy eats and eats when we go for sushi!

Something was really really funny!
Grandpa showing Kiptyn a BIG prawn! I love what this photo captured.

Avacado sushi is his favourite
He patiently waits...with rice stuck to his mouth

Okay....here we go........the night before school started I was nervous to say the least. I wasn't as prepared as I have been in the past for my classes, but that wasn't on my mind at all. All I could think about was that I would be leaving my little Bug all day long. He would be somewhere else. What if he gets sad? What if he doesn't eat, what if he can't use their sippy cups, what if won't go down for a nap, what if he gets hurt?!?!!! I was running through every scenario in my head. As I gave him a bath that last night I soaked up all of his cuteness.

I watched him giggle on the change table as Daddy sang the alphabet and gave him tummy raspberries.

Once he was asleep I set out his outfit. I made it especially for his first day. I also packed his backpack full of clothes just in case he got dirty, his diaper leaked, the weather changed,or he started talking when I wasn't there to witness it and wanted to wear something else (lol). One might say I got a little carried away with the "Kiptyn" clothing labels that night.
I prepared his teacher's gifts....personalized hand sanitizers.

I meant to blog my feelings that night, but I was too nervous so I spent the night relaxing with Dave. A friend posted this on Facebook. I love it.

The first day was hard.

Love that over-sized backpack.

I won't get into a ton of details but dropping him off was heartbreaking for me. Dave came for moral support, and Kiptyn crawled away and played as if he were just seeing new toys in our own living room.

I have first period prep at work so on the first day I sat for an hour and fifteen minutes looking at the clock just wondering what he was doing. On my lunch hour, I sped to the daycare to check on him. He had just gotten up from his nap and was starting lunch. He didn't even seem to notice that I had been gone! After finishing teaching for the day I couldn't wait to get my arms around my little man. I raced back to the daycare only to find him sleeping once again and they sent me off to get some grocery shopping done. Although what I really wanted to do was wake him up and give him a million kisses, I got the groceries done. I cannot tell you how happy I was to have him in my arms that night.

The first night, and every night since, I brought him home and stripped him right away from his dirty daycare clothes, washed his hands, feet and face, and gave him a snack. After that, I didn't let him go until bedtime.

We stayed up a little bit later that night to catch up on our play that we had missed all day long....and kisses of course.

It was hard to put him to bed that night knowing that I was going to be doing it all over again for another three days until the weekend.

The second day was "Dress like a Farmer Day", which for anyone who knows me....excited me. A LOT.

The second day I only called at lunch knowing that they would think I were crazy had I shown up yet again at lunch to check on him. He was doing so well that day he had fallen asleep on his walk in the giant 5-kid stroller and was sleeping again in his crib. The two days that followed were a bit harder for him since he was teething and had some minor injuries at daycare, but last week he was back to himself again. He seems to be really enjoying daycare, and that makes this Mama really happy. I also love the fact that the daycare is only 2 minutes from our house, about 5 minutes from my work and only 4 minutes from Dave's work. It puts my mind at ease.
With the beginning of school and saying goodbye to summer, there are always some fun things to go with it. Although I never really allow myself to say "goodbye" to summer....I can't, I won't, it is too sad.....I just allow the busy-ness of school take over and quietly let "fall" in. Some of these fun things include:
New Day Planners: Anyone who really knows me understands how much I depend on my planner to tell me what is going on each day. I have my planner in my iPhone that I share with Dave as well as a paper planner (I'm a little Old School that way). Anyway, I find it very exciting to get out to Chapters and see the new selection each year. Usually there is one staring right at me and calls my name. This year, I found two that I liked...I chose this pretty bird/tree one and now I can't even remember the runner up from only three days ago. I guess I chose the right one. Notice I also scored some cute owl key tabs. This is SO much easier than fiddling with the keys each time I want to open a door. :)

Pumpkin Spice Lattes: It just so happens that both the day planner and the Pumpkin Spice Latte happened on the same day. Tuesday. This tasty treat which warms my body and my heart is a true comfort. Enough said.

Mums: I love a big pot o' Mums on my front porch every fall but I hate buying them. When I take the pot to the cash register I feel as though I am officially surrendering to the fall. Imagine my surprise and happiness when I came home from work on Wednesday to find the biggest, freshest, pot of Mums already on my porch! Claire Rolo- my dear friend and amazing Realtor (if you are buying or selling...she truly is your girl) did the dirty work for me. Thank you beautiful lady. You made my week.
My new Retro bell: I found an old school desk bell at Chapters. My students think it is hilarious. But it works!

Well, that is all for now...so much more to share but I will stop here and get back on the computer soon.

I hope everyone is gracefully falling into "Fall" as well by making the most of these last few warmer days.
Bye bye for now!