My baby has been asleep since 6pm tonight. I realize this is early...but usually it is between 6:30-7:30pm and he stayed up late last night so he was pooped. It doesn't matter what time you put him to bed, he wakes up at 5:30am.
Almost to the exact minute.
I love my predictable baby.
Who needs an alarm clock when you have a Kiptyn.
SO....since I had a bit of extra time tonight I thought I would sneak in a quick wedding post. Jessica and Justin were married two weekends ago. It was beautiful and I was so happy for them. And a little added bonus? I rocked it out Maid of Honor style!

We started the day at the hair salon getting both hair and make-up done. After some mimosas and laughter I headed home quick to see my two men quickly before I drove out to the farm.

Unfortunately with the craziness of the day I forgot my camera at home for the morning and before the wedding so the only pictures I got were on my iPhone and they weren't the best pictures. Luckily Dave, Kiptyn, and both my Mom and Dad were attending the wedding so they took pictures for me of the rest of the day. It felt VERY strange not to have my trusty camera around my neck! Here are my men once they arrived...

Everything was beautiful. The tent, the barn, the bar, the house, and the weather was HOT HOT HOT but it didn't rain! Jessica looked beautiful in her vintage lace dress which suited her perfectly.

I love the atmosphere at weddings. I love the party, I love the details, and I love the love. You feel it everywhere. I
was so lucky to be a part of this wedding and to have my childhood
friend choose me to be there by her side on the day that she and her love became one.

After the ceremony, we took pictures and played some games before dinner. This first picture I stole off of Facebook...and I don't even know the person who posted it. Full credit to them as I didn't have any official pictures of the wedding on my camera roll. I will post some of the professional ones if I get the "okay" from Jessica in a couple of weeks once they have come in.

Girls lounging.

This amazing truck was the perfect backdrop for that punch of colour.

My Bug and his games.....he was enthralled with this!
(Notice the rosy cheeks...I told you it was hot...)
My beautiful Mama.

My goofy and loveable Husband.

To end the evening, we had a gigantic bonfire. I cannot even explain to you how big this was and how unbelievably cool. You could feel the heat from across the grove. This picture doesn't even start to show the intensity of the fire. It doesn't look all that big but remember, we were all so far away.
It was a simply delicious day!