Sunday, January 18, 2015

Oh Hello 2015...

Hi there.

I'm not going to apologize for being 10 months behind on my Blog....I already feel the guilt.  Mainly I feel guilty because I started this to document my babies and our little adventure together and I don't believe I am too far gone....yet.  I can and I will catch up! 


Here I am....2015....3am...writing.
 It has been eating at me for months and this is the first time I have been woken up so early by a child and had them go back to sleep so I decided to jump on this chance to start writing because goodness knows, starting is the hardest part!


2015- five months pregnant (  Three year old.  One year old.  So many memories.  2014 has been good...2015 will be even better.  All day sickness is finally easing up.  It isn't gone, and this pregnancy hasn't been without any problems but it is certainly is in a better stage now.  I am no longer in the "has she been eating too much junk?" phase and I finally look like I am carrying a baby, and I can stay awake past 6pm.  Yay!

SO- lets rewind and then fast forward....starting in April 2014...I present to you....the SPRING! (ha ha least I am not lapping myself yet!)

Kiptyn had fun picking out baby girl accessories for the spring/summer.  In fact...he might like them more than Maisy does.

We explored the neighbourhood as soon as the snow melted as it was the first spring at the new house.  
There were lots of puddles, and LOTS of giggles.


This boy LOVES the rain!
Sunny days were always a sign of a good day as well (especially when Daddy came home from work)


This photo was taken on our street.  I am so grateful for our new home and for the fact that we have such an amazing neighbourhood surrounded entirely by country and fields.

Tree Lover


Every morning we would run outside to watch the kids board the school bus.  The driver would always give us a big smile and wave.
I cannot even get over this little man's obsession with school buses.  It started around 14 months and he is just as infatuated today.
(Stay tuned for future School Bus Birthday Party post)

We went to the fire station for their open house..a BIG hit with Mr. Bug

Maisy and I had "girl time" with friends every Wednesday when we hit up the pool.  Birdie had quite the collection of swimwear last spring...if only she didn't grow quite so fast.

Butt ruffles....nothing cuter

And one time we let boys "in"

We sure had our share of appointments last year, but it is always so neat to see how fast they grow and change

And we all started at the chiropractor -something I had never done before and would LOVE to talk about one day if I ever get back to a normal schedule for blogging.  Kippy's positioning was always on point ;)

He lived for the "sun" stickers they gave out

Mother's Day was perfect.
The weather was beyond gorgeous and we were outside the entire weekend.

You may remember the next two photos...we did the same ones last year 
and plan to make it tradition year after year as long as he lets me

Dinner at Grandma and Grandpa's house



With two little bunnies in the house this year, Easter was so much fun.  Kiptyn really understood the "Egg" and "Easter Bunny" thing and we were able to get together with even more family than we usually do.  
Here's to turkey dinners!

Egg Hunting in the back yard

Ready for dinner #1

Egg Hunting at Storybook Gardens

Kippy met the Easter Bunny!

Ready for dinner #2

Gotta love chicky butts

Egg Hunting in our little community

This little bunny enjoyed the view

A couple of photos that a friend of mine took who is starting out her photography business 
(Tanya Marie Photography)

Ready for dinner #3...although this day was pretty tough for my girl who was cutting a whole bunch of teeth at once.
She wasn't exactly thrilled in any photos that day.
Poor Birdie.

One more chicky butt for good measure

Bug and I made hard boiled Easter Eggs 
for Sunday Breakfast

Next up was a road trip to Indiana.
My friend Hillary and I took a five month old Maisy on an almost 8 hour road trip to meet another friend and her beautiful family.  Maisy was a complete dream on the trip.  No crying in the car, and was happy to join in on each adventure.
When we arrived in Fishers Indiana, we were greeted by Leslie, her husband Corey and her two children Clay and Lilah.  

We stayed for two nights and enjoyed every minute.
I am so grateful to them for allowing us to come and stay and for opening their home and hearts to us. get them to Canada!



Oh yeah- and Maisy learned how to sit up on this trip!

Although it was nice to get away, Maisy sure missed her Daddy.  This is how the day went when we returned...

And of course I missed my little man! 
(Yes....I am IN his crib)

After the holidays we spent a lot of time lounging around home.
I LOVED how Kiptyn would always go by himself to "get Maisy up" each morning.
He sure loves his baby sister.



 Kiptyn and I kept busy with crafts....and then the crafts turned into painting the bathroom...

This little man was quite happy about his sunglasses

And Mai Mai was pretty happy with hers as well


We started Maisy on solids and did complete Baby Led Weaning this time. I didn't give her a single serving of baby food or puree, or even cut things up.  She was a rockstar!  I almost had a heart attack each meal for a few weeks as she figured out how to chew and how much to put in her mouth but this one was on the best decisions we made for her.

Sidenote: Once I get on track...I really intend to make more Blog updates and will be able to discuss these types of things in detail...lets see if three babies, aged three and under gives me any time at

She pretty much devoured this meal (salmon and quinoa casserole)...and this happened just before we realized she had a severe allergy to cow's milk protein....that grated cheese....yikes!  I cannot imagine what would happen if we gave her that today.

 Maisy's baby group had another group photo done and man these babies are sweet!  This one is just from my iPhone but the actual photo by HRM Photography is hanging in the entrance way of Babies Naturally...and it is life size...and to die for!

Here is Maisy with our amazing "baby-whisperer angel" Doula Carol in front of the beautiful canvas at Babies Naturally

Dave and I attended a wedding for our dear friends Kathy and Scott.  It was an amazing night filled with love, and LOTS of dancing.  In fact...we had SO much fun, I hardly snapped any photos at all.  But I did manage to get this one...of my two men and their hands on my legs during the ceremony.  I couldn't stop are the Greatest Man that Ever Lived...and don't worry....the hand with the ring was Dave's.


We had play-dates


And park-dates

And had fun outdoors

And of course Bug was always up for kisses

With the sun staying up later each night...sometimes we allowed naughty babies to come out of their cribs to help play dominoes.

At the end of May, Kiptyn started soccer for the first time

He didn't entirely understand it...and the playground beside the field was extremely tempting...but he had the best little cheerleader on the team

My BFF Colleen had her second little angel Kaityln.  I was lucky enough to be able to photograph her when she was only a few days old.  I'll share those in the next Blog update.  What a sweetheart she is!

So with lots of outdoor fun comes lots of extra....

And lots of extra "just-woke-up" faces from extra long naps


I am so blessed to have these tiny hands to hold and share each day with.

Until next time friends...