Our little Birdie arrived early on the morning of November 18th, 2013. It was quite the adventure (a story that I will share as soon as I get a chance) and we are so thrilled to have our sweet daughter earthside.
Let me introduce you.....Maisy Ireland Welbourn.

Although she wasn't named for twelve hours after she was born, we cannot imagine her as anything else but "Maisy" now. She is so sweet and we feel as though she has always belonged in our family.

I feel terrible that I haven't updated on her arrival until now.
Truth be told...when she was born we were dealing with a few health issues (Kiptyn), and then the next thing you knew Christmas had come. Since then the time has just flown by.

I have it on my To Do List to write her Birth Story so that will come as soon as I am able...but for now....I will leave you with a few photos. These were taken when Maisy was just three days old. We had a six hour family photo shoot.
It was on my birthday...and I thought it was just about it was the best way to spend it.
It was on my birthday...and I thought it was just about it was the best way to spend it.
(All of the following photos and the birth announcement photo are credit to One-12 Photography...same studio that did Kiptyn's birth and his First Birthday cake smash)

I am so proud to call these two MINE.

Daddy's Girl.
From three....to four.

From three....to four.

And this boy....well he is smitten.
He has yet to call her "Maisy".
Instead....she is known as "Baby Dit-der".
When he wakes up in the morning, he asks for her.
He brings her toys and her soother when she is crying, and he holds her hands to say hello.
His Baby Dit-der is so very lucky to have such a sweet Big Brother who loves her so much.

He has yet to call her "Maisy".
Instead....she is known as "Baby Dit-der".
When he wakes up in the morning, he asks for her.
He brings her toys and her soother when she is crying, and he holds her hands to say hello.
His Baby Dit-der is so very lucky to have such a sweet Big Brother who loves her so much.

She sure is perfect.