Don't get me wrong. The snow is lovely and cozy and beautiful...but two months of it is enough for me. I love snow at Christmas time and for about a month after, but then it starts to bring me to a slump. I want to go outdoors in the evenings. I want to walk to the store without having to bundle up in a million layers and I want to feel the warm sunshine on my face.

I find March is the hardest. In April and May, the weather starts to bring out a bit more sunshine and "jacket" rather than "coat" type of weather. The buds start to bloom and the snow melts away. The rain falls and I can smell worms on the sidewalk (I swear I really can).
Since we STILL have snow on the ground however, I have been trying my best to make the most of it. Dave, Kiptyn and I have been going for walks, playing outdoors, and building a snow fort (well okay Daddy builds, we watch).

If you look carefully behind this next photo....
said fort in the making!

We like to walk in "our" woods behind the house too.
Makes for a great adventure!
Other times we just stand on the porch and watch the snow fall
for a few minutes.
One day we actually had a snow day from school
(doesn't happen very often!)
so we made the best of it!
Only one little mishap.
Little Bug fell and didn't like the blowing snow in his face.
Who does?
These two are twins.
They are so cute together and one day they wore matching shirts.
I do not like dressing kids in cartoon or character shirts, but Dave has a little bit of a thing for Batman. I caved because it was too cute. I think in the future we will reserve PJ's, socks and underwear for superhero themed items.
(The colour is a bit off....iPhone and low light)
Kippy Boo is the best kisser.
Okay....I may have caved a bit more than originally planned...
Grandpa teaching Kiptyn to play the piano.
Kiptyn has been having a lot of fun in daycare.
Although he is old
enough now to move onto the toddler room, there isn't a space for him
quite yet so he is still with the infants. I know he just can't wait to
explore new territory so I am hopeful the spring brings a room change
for him.
Look at his freakin rectangle!
SO ready for the toddler room!
On Valentine's Day this year Kiptyn exchanged cards with his classmates. It was so sweet to pick him up at the end of the day with a hand-made brown bag envelope just like I used to make when I was a little girl, filled with little cards from his friends.
He even got a few treats! Here is what Kipper gave to his friends....
"You blow me away" card with bubbles for the girls and
"I like the way you roll" for the boys.
These two balloons made for great entertainment in our house for a
few weeks!
Mommy & Daddy had some yummy Valentine treats when
Kiptyn went to bed.
The best way to spend the night!
Kiptyn also met his little friends from my online
Mama group at a play place for a little
Valentine fun!
We welcomed a new little member of our Mama club earthside
this month as well.
Tiny baby JD is sooooo cute and he has the BEST hair!
Have you ever seen such BLONDE hair?!!?!?
I just love this little man and I can't wait to see him this weekend again!
Check out those locks!
Kiptyn finished his swimming lessons and passed Duck level!
He is now onto Sea Turtle!
He totally rocks his float!
Here are a few other things we have been up to:
Visiting the local market on Saturday mornings.
Visiting Great Grandma Ola.
I know it isn't the best shot of dear Kiptyn
(aka- "Square Mouth")....but it was his nap time.

Some dancin' with the pants off...
Enjoying walks on the rare days that the sun is out
Going out for breakfast and sleeping through the entire thing
Climbing on anything and everything...
Including Mama
And man does this boy love his horse.
He can now say, "Horse" and he loves to give him
kisses and pats on the head.
He even found one to ride at daycare (it was PJ Day!)
This day was "wear a funky hat"Day.
I bought this hat online last year thinking it was an apple.
When it arrived it had two pink antennae coming off of the top....not leaves.
It was the perfect hat for this day.
Okay so I bought a StuntMan cape shirt as well.
Bug is getting really good at the bedtime routine.
Every night he has his bath, puts on his pj's, brushes his teeth (he is getting really really good at brushing them), comes downstairs for milk and an episode of Bubble Guppies, and then upstairs to kiss his Peter Rabbit, his Bear, the picture of himself as a newborn, Daddy & Mama, then he turns off his own light and goes right into his crib.
Never a sound. I love this kid.
His innocence just slays me
Kiptyn is usually wiped right out at the end of our
long and busy days.
If we get home anytime near his bedtime this is how
we carry him in.
Mama has really been enjoying her Oh Canada
maple tea from David's Tea.
And went a little lighter for the spring....speaking of....
where are you Spring???
Now that I am caught up on this post I can go through all of the Florida pictures from our trip a week and a half ago and get that post started!
I have a hard time keeping up with everything these days but the post is on its way!
For now, I'll leave you with a couple more snowy pictures and hopefully there won't be any more in future posts!