Wednesday, March 30, 2011

My First "Official" Blog

So I have been "blogging" for years on LiveJournal and writing in a good old fashioned paper journal since I could spell (okay before I could actually spell), but I have never opened up a blog for public reading.  I am excited and inspired to get this thing going.  Since being married last summer and expecting our first child this summer I figured it would be a nice way for family and friends that we don't see very often to stay in the loop about our new family, and to document the things going on in my life so that one day I can come back and read it all over again.

Once I understand how to create a nicer layout and post photos I will be doing that quite frequently however for the meantime I will just be writing.  I will still keep my LiveJournal (for those few that follow) to write about things that I don't really want to post in public domain but this will be where I do most of my updating about all of the fun and exciting things going on in my life.

I am very excited to be starting this new project (as if I just called a Blog a "project") and I can't wait to see what becomes of it.

Have a happy day!